As gold, copper, and other precious and base metals continue their price ascent amid supply concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, savvy metals & mining investors are looking to companies that are both exploring and extracting. And, they’re looking in mining-friendly jurisdictions with proven reserves, excellent infrastructure, and respect for local peoples and with one of the best treasuries in junior mining.

Golden Arrow Resources Corp. (GRG) (TSX-V.GRGOTC: GARWFForum) is a well financed and established, multi-project South American gold and copper explorer that meets and exceeds those requirements. The Company boasts a wide array of mineral exploration assets throughout Chile, Argentina, and Paraguay – historically mining-friendly jurisdictions with some of the most abundant precious and base metals ore bodies in the world. Yet many of these mining regions still remain significantly under explored.

The immense variety and use of natural resources and their extraction requires a permanent obligation to comply with environmental, social / community concerns and necessities. And, once again, GRG checks all of the boxes.

Golden Arrow’s management – the world-renowned Grosso Group – pioneered mining exploration in Argentina and has implemented an operations policy with its affiliated companies regarding environmental compliance and community relations. The Grosso Group is proud of its flawless 27 year record of 100% acceptance from local government authorities and communities impacted by the activity of its affiliated companies.

The Company is currently leveraging the new 2020 price highs in copper and gold through two distinct plans:

Gold in Argentina: The Flecha de Oro Exploration Program

On June 8th, Golden Arrow reported a new high-grade gold target at its Flecha de Oro project in Argentina with plans expands project area. And early results are very positive, to say the least. The initial mapping and vein sampling program at the gold project in Rio Negro Argentina has delineated a new high-grade gold target on the Esperanza property. This target includes a series of sub-parallel quartz veins in an apparent structural corridor that was mapped over 230 metres in length and up to 30 metres of width, and remains open in both directions along strike. Highlights from sampling include:

Brian McEwen, Golden Arrow’s VP Exploration and Development, commented on the outstanding find: