Diamond hole 027 has intersected 26.25 metres of nickel-copper sulphide including 15.45 metres of massive sulphide and 10.8 metres of semi-massive and matrix sulphide.

Massive nickel-copper sulphide from 168.5 metres in hole RKDD027
Legend Mining Limited (ASX:LEG) has intersected 26.25 metres of nickel-copper sulphide in a diamond hole at the Mawson discovery which further enhances the scale and potential of the Rockford Project on WA’s Fraser Range.
Within this intersection in hole RKDD027 was 15.45 metres of massive sulphide across three zones and 10.8 metres of semi-massive and matrix sulphide across three zones.
Multiple nickel-sulphide intercepts were also observed in diamond holes RKDD024 and RKDD025.
“Adding to bigger picture”
Legend managing director Mark Wilson said: “Work has continued apace at Mawson since our last Mawson announcement on September 8.
“The material widths of the intercepts in hole 27 speak to our confidence of the size potential of the Mawson system, whilst the information from the other reported holes is adding to the bigger picture.”
RKDD027 is part of an infill diamond drill program designed to extend/close off known nickel-copper mineralisation at the Mawson massive sulphide discovery.
Additional drilling is required to the east of the western aircore geochemical anomaly based on the current interpretation of Mawson.
Sulphide zones
There were massive sulphide zones from 162-174.9 metres, 175.6-176.45 metres and 231.8-233.5 metres downhole.
The semi-massive and matrix sulphide zones were from 174.9-175.6 metres, 188.85-195.2 metres and 215.8-219.55 metres downhole.
A disseminated zone was also intersected from 153.7-162 metres downhole with the hole confirming that the massive sulphide continues to the west on this section.
DHTEM is now scheduled for RKDD027.
Narrow zones observed
In hole RKDD025, which was designed to target a very strong 20,000-25,000S DHTEM plate identified above RKDD02, a dominantly gabbronorite and olivine gabbronorite was intersected before finishing in metasediments.

Massive nickel-copper sulphide from 217 metres in hole RKDD025.
Narrow zones of massive sulphide were intersected at 217.02-217.28 metres and 223.01-223.31 metres, a brecciated sulphide zone from 218.6-219.14 metres, and a disseminated sulphide zone from 160-217.02 metres.
Other holes
RKDD026 was a structural hole designed to target the northern vector of the sulphide extension veins logged in the Mawson discovery zone.
It intersected the interpreted western margin of the Mawson Intrusive Complex, defined by a graphite-rich gabbronorite interleaved with a metasedimentary sequence and norites as well as a pegmatite zone before finishing in a meta-BIF and metapsammite package.
The identification of graphite so shallow in the hole further explains the challenges of surface EM as a direct mineralisation targeting tool in this environment.
RKDD024 was designed to test the southern extension of the Mawson Intrusion, including a discrete gravity feature modelled from the processing of the detailed gravity completed across Mawson.

Disseminated and blebby nickel-copper sulphide from 118 metres in hole RKDD024.
It intersected an upper gabbronorite unit with blebby and disseminated nickel-copper sulphide from 106.4-124.3 metres, followed by a dominantly norite zone with minor troctolite to 236.1 metres, before intersecting a mixed norite and meta-BIF package to 275.55 metres.
3D Model to be released
Structural logging of RKDD023, RKDD025 and RKDD026 has allowed for further development of the Mawson geological model, which will result in more focused drill targeting.
Wilson said: “We are planning to release a 3D model of Mawson shortly which will visually depict the scale potential of Mawson in 3D for the first time.
“This model will aggregate data interpretations from the detailed gravity, magnetics, geochemistry and structural geology.”
The DHTEM contractor has returned to site after a four-week delay due to the current high volume of outstanding jobs for other clients.
DHTEM is underway for diamond holes RKDD024-027 with results awaited from hole RKDD025.
The crews will remain on-site at Mawson to complete the DHTEM of the completed diamond and RC drill holes.
RC drilling continues to confirm the Mawson Intrusion extends north and east of the known Mawson sulphide mineralisation, confirming the prospectivity for mineralised intrusives below the eastern aircore geochemical anomaly.
Additionally, geological information is evolving the Mawson geological model and focusing diamond drill targeting.
Future programs
- Ongoing diamond and RC drilling;
- Ongoing DHTEM surveying in diamond and RC drill holes;
- Structural logging of completed diamond holes by Jon Standing of Model Earth;
- Report assays from samples as received; and
- Integration of diamond, RC and aircore drilling results into the Mawson dataset to assist 3D modelling and future diamond drill hole planning/design.