If you have been following our research into Gold and Silver over the past years, then you were already prepared for the recent rally that has taken many investors by surprise.  This year, 2020, Gold and Silver are set up to have their best year of price appreciation over the past 40+ years.  It is no consequence that this is taking place right now.  Our cycle research and our predictive modeling systems have helped us stay well ahead of this move.  In fact, way back in early 2019, we were already warning this type of price move would take place and suggesting a target price level of $3750 for Gold was not out of the question.


This article will review some of our past research posts to help you better understand what is really happening in precious metals right now. One of our most visited research articles in 2019 was related to our prediction that Gold would rally from $1240 to well over $1700 before the end of 2019 based on our Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) predictive modeling system. 

Our predictions at that time shocked many traders because the global markets were not expecting precious metals to rally in this manner reflecting a renewed “fear trade” setting up.  The idea that Gold could rally nearly 40% at a time when the global markets appeared to be driving growth and gains was alien to most people.  Yet, here we are with Gold attempting to break above $2000 and our $1700 price prediction being a thing of the past.



Later in 2019 our research team published the infamous “Silver Super-Hero” article.  This article suggested that Silver was deeply undervalued at a $15 price level, especially at a time when we believed Gold would begin to skyrocket higher.  We pushed this article out in September 2019 attempting to alert our followers to the incredible opportunity setting up in Silver.

One highlight of this article was that Eric Sprott, (https://www.sprottmoney.com/eric-sprott ) picked up on our research and highlighted it in many of his podcasts over the past 12+ months.  Eric is a renowned gold bug and recently mentioned in one of his podcasts that the Technical Traders is one of his “favorite” researchers of precious metals due to the accuracy of our predictions.

Whenever someone like Eric Sprott picks up on our research and confirms our efforts, it is like winning an award from another seasoned and experienced trader/researcher.  With Eric’s help, many other metals traders learned of our research and predictions – which further added to our accolades and credibility related to our precious metals research.

The recent breakout move in Silver also added to the ‘win’ column of our incredible research and predictions.  When Gold moved above $1800 per ounce Silver suddenly sparked to life and rallied to levels near $24 in an instant.  This huge upside move in silver sent a shock-wave out to metals traders – you better start paying attention to what is happening in precious metals (and particularly Silver) because this is just getting started.